On your mark.... Get Set...... GOOOOOO..... The school bell has rung. This year we are schooling all seven. We did it last year as well but this year we are "officially" schooling Lilly.
Hannah is starting 11th grade. She has a heavier load this year but she is so smart I know she will just breeze right through it with flying colors. Leisha is starting 8th grade and we are treating this like 9th. We figure if we start her now, she will be a bit more prepared for high school. Abbi is in 6th grade. She has to work a bit harder to get the good grades, but when she does believe herself she always does awesome......(some times just convincing her takes a lot of work). Noah is steaming along into 4th grade. He is having a blast and doing well in all subjects. Math being the one he picks up quickly. SO didn't get that from his mother. Noelle is in 2nd grade and is getting better in the reading area. It took us a long time to figure out how she learns (she needs everything), so she is a bit behind the power curve but I have a feeling she is going to catch up this year. EJ is in K/1st grade. We have big plans of reading this year (I should say I have big plans... EJ might have other ideas, he usually does). He to does really well with math. Lilly is just doing preK/K work. but she picks things up quickly and already knows the letter sounds and is putting them together. She can also count to 20 plus when the mood hits her LOL.
I am using a modified workbox system for Lilly and EJ. I am hoping it will cut down "MOM WHAT DO I DO NOW??" and yes it is yelled most of the time, even though I am in the same room. Today it worked great. I pray it keeps working. It will take a bit more planning on my part but I believe it will be worth it in the end.
Noah's favorite place to read his readers......gotta love homeschooling.